Spanish to English
Certified Translations
Official translations of:
School transcripts
Birth certificates
Death certificates
Marriage certificates
Vaccination cards
And more!
Guaranteed to be accepted by official organizations such as universities and government agencies.

What is Certified Translation?
A certified or official translation is a translation done by a certified translator.
In the US, the ATA (American Translators Association) is the organization that tests translators to make sure they are qualified and capable of providing accurate translations.
​Certified translations come with a statement (a letter of accuracy) from the translator certifying that the translation is true and accurate.
In general, universities, government agencies, immigration services, and other official organizations only accept translations from certified translators.
Your translation will be formatted to look as close as possible to the original, and come with an accompanying letter of accuracy stating that it is a true, accurate and complete translation of the original document, along with my seal as certified translator.